... Helpful Tips and Resources for Leading during COVID-19
This is a generation-defining moment for our nation and for all nations. The exact definition will be determined over the coming weeks and months but one thing is clear: we are on a whole new trajectory.
As leaders, it's important that we do 2 things simultaneously during such significant times of change: lead others and lead ourselves. It's important that we start with ourselves because it is extremely difficult to give away what we do not have ourselves.
We've heard the flight attendant tell us that we should "put our oxygen mask on first before assisting others." And we get this intellectually, but we don't always practice this in the real world when it comes to leading others. This is why it's so important to pause and ask ourselves where we need to intentionally give ourselves and our teams more oxygen.
When was the last time you paused and gave yourself the space to answer these questions?
How am I doing right now?
How am I doing physically?
How am I doing emotionally?
How am I doing mentally?
How am I doing spiritually?
If the person I respected most on this earth were watching me over the last day or week, how would he/she say that I'm doing?
“True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure - the greater the pressure, the deeper the revelation, the truer the choice to the character's essential nature.” ~ Robert Mckee
Below are some ideas in each of these areas that we hope will prove helpful to you. Think of this as an a la carte menu where you can pick and choose what would be most helpful to you at this time in your life. And please share any and all of this with your coworkers and those you lead.
How are you doing?
Take 5 minutes to check in with yourself with this simple tool.
How are you relating to this time in your life? What's your mindset?
Physical Health:
Do you have six minutes to spare? Then you can do a workout.
Emotional Health:
These TED talks offer simple ways to stay healthy — both emotionally and physically.
Dealing with drama? Medical professional and researcher Cy Wakeman offers wonderful insights into drama/gossip.
Mental Health:s
Anxiety can be your friend. Read more here.
Gratitude is an approach to life that reminds us and amplifies what’s wonderful which provides perspective to deal with adversity. There are thousands of ways to nurture gratitude. We think the simplest involves creating a daily habit to nurture each and every day. Remember this simple acronym BIG: Begin In Gratitude.
Working from home and find yourself now teaching your kids? This website lists education orgs offering Free subscriptions due to school closings: amazingeducationalresources.com
2 curated lists of the Most Powerful Personalized Learning Edtech Tools out there: LEAP and NewSchools
And here are a few of our favorite tools: Zoom.us & our new favorite Zoom feature called Breakout Rooms; TedEd; KhanAcademy; STMath; Lalilo; & Google Classroom
How to handle isolation? Read this article from N A S A astronaut Scott Kelly: I Spent a Year in Space, and I Have Tips on Isolation to Share
Spiritual Health:
During times of stress, we can drift away from the very things that are most important to us... those are the things that bring energy, life and light into our world. This higher purpose becomes the light that guides us. The challenge is that as we drift further from those centers of light, the light becomes less and less effective. What do you do to tap into the the sources of light in your of life? How do you nurture a sense of hope for the future? What's your "big picture" that keeps you inspired?
Hope is the belief that our future will be better than our present. Curious about the science of hope?
It's not easy to lead. It takes courage, especially in times of crisis. And this is what it means to lead. It is a great responsibility and a great honor because we are called to muster personal courage and to help foster courage in those we work with.
Lead on.

Do you have additional resources you'd like to see us add here?
Email us your ideas by clicking here.