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Interchange Insights

Interchange - October 2024

Next week's Interchange session will be focused on chapter 8 of our book, “The Coaching Relationship”. This chapter delves into the nature of coaching, how to learn to be coachable, creating coaching relationships with others, and how to muster sufficient energy to truly raise your personal level of consciousness.

Interchange - September 2024

The subject for this month's session is Chapter 7 of our book; Your Unconscious Purpose. This chapter is only 8 pages long so it's a quick read, however to really go into this subject we need you to review your elevate system workbook which most of you have completed previously.

Interchange - August 2024

We are looking forward to resuming our Interchange sessions after the July respite. We hope you all had a chance to get some vacation time in and enjoyed the month.

Interchange - June 2024

In this week’s convening of The Interchange, we'll focus on chapter 6 of our book COMMITMENT. It's only 8 pages long so we suggest you make a few minutes, it's worth the read.

Interchange - May 2024

The subject of our session next week is chapter four of our book entitled “Learned Forgetfulness”.  It's a short chapter, only four pages, so your homework assignment is brief. (The copy from the chapter is pasted below for your convenience.  The formatting is a bit wonky, so you may want to grab the book.) 

Interchange - April 2024

Here’s the subject of next week’s Interchange session:  12 Cultural Mindsets Impeding Your Organization’s Success. Below is a copy of these cultural mindsets and as thought starters, here are some of the questions we will be exploring:

Interchange - March 2024

I hope this finds all of you enjoying your day. The subject of next week’s Interchange session will be Chapter 3 of our book:  Emotions: Servant or Master? I have attached a digital copy of the chapter in case you don’t have your copy handy. It is a quick read but lots to think about and talk thru. 

Interchange - February 2024

The subject for next week’s Interchange session will be the second part of the formula for engagement laid out in our book; Empowerment. In our session, we will explore the nature of engagement, and explore how you might foster greater levels of empowerment in your people.

Interchange - January 2024

The new year is a natural time for a re-start, a renewal of commitment, reenergizing.  For us, this January is particularly exciting, because our book, The Great Engagement,  will be launched on January 23, 2024! 

Interchange - November 2023

Supportive Accountability: Empowering Success | One of the subjects that many of you have asked to talk about is that of Supportive Accountability. How do we use accountability not as a hammer but as a way of supporting people's success?

Interchange - October 2023

Everyone seemed to agree that Alex Gournares' presentation on AI was great...even if mind blowing. This month we think it will be valuable to talk about how we are going to put some of the learnings from Alex into action

Interchange - September 2023

Exciting News: Special Guest Alex Gounares on AI Advancements and Organizational Implications | We are very excited to be hosting a special guest, who is an expert on AI. Alex Gounares is a friend of Gene Boes, one of our members and will be joining us at 10 am (EDT) to give us all a brief on how AI is advancing and what the implications are for anyone leading an organization.

Interchange - August 2023

Leadership Evolution: From Task-Driven to Growth-Centric Succession Planning | Creating a culture of personal growth where everyone from frontline leaders all the way up to the CEO see their primary job as developing their people not only nurtures effective succession, it also makes for a more effective organization where employees appreciate the commitment to their growth and career success

Interchange - July 2023

Talk about the ultimate act of Leadership! Independence Day is an absolute miracle if you really stop and think about it. The founding fathers of the United States, the greatest nation on earth, summoned the courage to declare independence from the king of Britain so that they could create a wholly different future by creating an independent nation, build on freedom; something the world had never seen before. God bless them!

Interchange - June 2023

Embracing Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities. This month we're taking a decidedly different direction for our interchange session. We're going to delve into the question of artificial intelligence and the importance of beginning to experiment and adopt it right away….

Interchange - May 2023

The subject for next week's interchange session is one that is near and dear to our hearts: Creating a Coaching Culture.

Interchange - April 2023

April’s session of the interchange is go back to the subject discussed in both January and February

Interchange - March 2023

This is the Overview of our book!  It lays out a different way of looking at Engagement that we think (hope) you will find thought provoking and useful.  It is only 3 pages, so a quick read.

Interchange - February 2023

As an extension of the discussion we began last month about engagement and energy, the topic of this month is a deeper dive into the subject.  It is an opportunity to or explore your own personal habits and how you're doing at producing energy. Attached is a new tool we've created: The Engaged Life Inventory. This is a beta version of what we will put online shortly.

Interchange - January 2023

Your primary job as a CEO is to engage with your team, to ensure every employee is personally committed to serving their customers. This defines engagement. Having people on your team who lack that commitment is like a professional football team with players that don’t like football…but hang around for the paycheck.

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